Ronny Young, 3D Animator and Product Visualizer
https://polymathvisuals.com/ 859.802.0734 ronny.young@polymathvisuals.com
https://polymathvisuals.com/ 859.802.0734 ronny.young@polymathvisuals.com
1. What are creating/making when you’re here at Hellmann?
3D Animation and Product Renders
2. Why did you choose to have a studio at Hellmann and how does your work connect to the broader Covington community?
Hellmann is instantly a creative space, you recognize that the second you walk through the door. Being surrounded by other artists creates a culture where art thrives. It inspires. My goal is to educate and spread the word about 3D throughout Covington and beyond. There isn't a deep talent pool for 3D and I want to help create that. Kids need to be exposed to it earlier and shown that they can make a living doing some pretty fun work.
3. Any pie-in-sky dreams/ideas you want to tell us about?
Working for larger clients while staying in the greater Cincinnati area is the goal. No need to go to LA or New York anymore, everything can be done remotely now. If I can help put Covington/Cincinnati on the map for some serious 3D chops, then I'll be happy. I'll need some talented young people to help get us there!